Monday, June 29, 2009

I had a craft show this past Saturday. Well, it was a community day festival. I don't know how to take it. I did okay. There were not many vendors there. Mostly it was advertised as a free event to take the kids to eat, play bouncy games, and listen to local bands. It was like nobody was there to spend money. Although it was nice to sit under a shady tree. I heard it was very hot out...I had goosebumps. So, I guess my spot was a good place to be. I learn a little at each show. Where do I get that magic wand that I can wave, and POOF!...I sell like crazy and it's all so easy? This is such a learning process, and I know that. My next show is a month from now. This one is going to be super huge. Actually, I'm a bit nervous about it. I'm sure it'll work out...

Friday, June 26, 2009

I've been so busy since the kids let out of school, I haven't spent much time on my blog. We have been enjoying the nice weather, taking a lot of day trips. With all the flowers in bloom, I have been inspired. I've also been playing around with different color combinations. I have a craft show tomorrow that is taking all of my time today in preparations.

New in my shop are Home Decor Tiles. They have messages of inspiration and each one has it's own inspirational story behind it.

The picture above is one of my favorites. The ocean is a whole other world to me. It inspires me that there is always more to explore and greater things to do. That is why I chose the world "inspire", because thinking of the ocean inspires me.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Real quick...Just signed up at You can find me @
It's a work in progress.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ugh...I hit a creative block this week. So....I grabbed my Vincent Van Gogh coffee table book to inspire me. Did it? Of course it did, it's Vincent Van Gogh! I decided to do a small wall hanging, I will post a pic when I'm done. I just need to do something that had no plan, and let my creativity take control. I find that's when the best pieces are done. I don't think Van Gogh ever crammed for a craft show!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I've been trying to get over a bad chest cold, so I haven't been doing much of anything. I'm feeling much better today, so I'm ready to get goin'. I've stumbled upon some old scrapbooking paper over the weekend. I'm going to list some new items taking pictures on those. I've seen other people do that, and I think it'll work out well. I actually have TONS of items I haven't listed on Etsy, so I'm ready to get my site updated with my new stuff. My next craft show isn't for another month, so I have plenty of time to concentrate on my Etsy shop. Well...I'm fealing motivated, so I better take advantage of that! All for now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, I went down to Cook Forest to pick up my hubby this weekend. He had a weekend with the guys, it's good for him to spend quality time with his friends. This is a State Park in PA that we often visit when the weather gets nice. It's so beautiful, the Clarion River runs right through it, it's in the mountains, absolutely amazing! I love to be in nature, I grew up going camping almost every weekend. If you look at my work, I would think you would notice that. I also love bright colors. So, there are my two inspirations, nature and colors. The few hours I was down in Cook Forest, I caught myself many times looking closely at the ripples of the river, The twists of the trees, the way the birds every so gracefully took advantage of the light breeze. On the way home, we stopped at camp. When we pulled up, we caught two fox pups playing under a pine tree, using a swing as a catch-me-if-you-can device. We snagged a few pictures. While waiting for my hubby to put away a few things borrowed for the weekend, our daughters decided to see what they could find under the newly muddied rocks. AH Ha! They found tiny (and by tiny I mean no longer than an inch) salamanders. I took about 50 pictures. So....stay tuned for salamander magnets! I little peek inside my creative mind.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Well, I had a craft show today. I did fairly well. I feel like people didn't understand my creations are handmade. So, for the next show I do, I would like to create some nice looking explanations of my craft. I need something nice looking that is short and sweet. I want people to read it, and not glance over it without understanding it. This will take much brainstorming. I like things to look crisp and clean, clutter is bad. I also realized I need to get a metal sheet (something creative looking), to display my magnets. Well, I am tired from the long day. I think I am going to enjoy the quite house and brainstorm up some ideas while everything is still fresh in my head.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am in a craft show this coming Saturday. I'm expecting it to be a good one. It's a Art and Music Festival in the town right next to ours. The town thrives mostly on college kids. I'm thinking since some will be graduating soon, they will be in a happy, spending mood. At least I hope so! So, this week I will let the housework slide a bit so I can focus on my clay. Today I plan on getting everything out, to see where I stand as far as inventory goes. I think I'll clay up a storm at least until Thursday, and then tie up loose ends for Friday. I'll probably package everything up as I go, so it won't be such a big job on Friday. Oh, and I also have to get that Black & White entry out and postmarked by the 15th, for Polymer Cafe Magazine. To be honest, I haven't chosen my entry yet. I have three done to choose from. Two turtles and one fish. I'm leaning toward the fish right now, because it's bright. I'll post my entry when I choose it. I better hurry, I only have a few days to do so. All for now....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Get to go pick up hubby from camp tomorrow! I really start missing him after while. I have 3 black and white pieces ready to bake. I don't know how to figure out which one to choose for the challenge for Polymer Cafe mag. The entry is due May15th, so I better figure it out pretty soon. I'm going to start to get everything organized and packaged for a craft show on May 16th. I'm excited for that, because I didn't sell magnets at the last show. I think they will do well, since quite a few people (some very rudely) said I should do magnets.
The Mother's Day Gift Basket is up on PCAGOE website. I have starfish magnets in there. Go check it out! Lots of exciting things the guild is working on.

Monday, April 27, 2009

....Still recovering from a weekend away. It was a very nice weekend. My girls and I met up with my husband at camp, and stayed the night. The girls and I came hope last night, my hubby stayed (turkey season). It always seems that a vacation after a vacation is needed. Anyways, I have a lot of catch-up work to do around the house. Then I can clay around tonight!
I did get a black and white fish done...really cool!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Well, I've decided to enter the Polymer Cafe challenge, that is due May 15th. The theme is black and white. I figured what the heck, why not? The worst that can happen is it's not selected. It's worth a shot. I'm making up 3 different black and white turtles, and choosing the best of the three.
Awesome weather today, that will continue all weekend. It's good for the kids to finally be able to get outside to play, after a long northeastern winter!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just finished a new turtle with a swirly orange color. Really cool! I am hoping to list it on Etsy tomorrow. I've been so busy building my inventory for upcoming craft shows, I've been neglecting listing new items lately.
Don't forget to check out the PCAGOE Spring Fling Challenge. Go to for more details.
It's late, and I really need to get some sleep. Just wanted to keep in touch.
Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I had an awesome day today! I went out of town to a JoAnn's to get my clay on clearance (thank you Kate!). The A.C.Moore in my town doesn't carry 3 of the colors of Studio by Sculpey, and the JoAnn's doesn't carry it at all. I ended up getting 2 out of 3 colors and a cleared out all of their clearance clay. It was a great way to get the clay I wanted and take a road trip with my family. The funny thing is, I had 4 50% off coupons for A.C.Moore, so I went there when I went home. I just can't get enough! Ah well, It was a great day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Taxes can be a real drag. So, come on in to my shop for a little pick-me-up! Today only, I am having a 15% off the marked price in my shop.

My Sea Creatures will put a smile on your shiny face!

Or, how about a Plant Buddy for your spring flowers?

Maybe a Pin? Necklace? Anything that tickles your fancy is 15% off TODAY ONLY.

So, pull yourself away from your tases. Grab a cuppa joe, tea, whatever, and browse my shop!

Not your tax day? That's okay, come on in and enjoy the savings anyway!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wow, I've been really busy creating. I have mainly been doing my sea creatures. I bought a few books last week, and have been picking a bit at those. I really want to have my inventory up for upcoming craft shows, so I figure it's a bad time to explore different techniques and whatnots.

One of the books I bought, my kids peer-pressured me into. It's just a fun one that I can make up cute kid tings relatively quickly, and sell cheap.

The other book gets into really detailed animal sculptures. That one I need to wait a bit for, because I know each project will need it's undivided attention.

I really need to push myself into selling consignment. I guess I have a fear of rejection there, but I must move past that. Okay, I am stating right now, I will concentrate on consignment within the next week. There, I said it, now I have to stick to it.

Check out PCAGOE for the Spring Fling scavenger hunt!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Okay, so I've been really busy and haven't had time to post. Let's see, I had my first craft show. It was a pretty good experience. Only sold 2 items, but it was a smaller craft show. I noted that everyone was buying food. Maybe next time, I'll whip up some chocolate covered pretzels, to reel 'em in!
I started making sea creatures, and have been super excited about that. Turtles, starfish, seahorses, and fish so far. I've found my "thing"! I'm going to extend that to other cute animals.
I've also been using a new clay that I really love! It's Studio by Sculpey. It's a bit more expensive, but totally worth it. It's easy to work with and holds it's shape at the same time. I am finding it the "happy medium" to other clays.
PCAGOE is going to be having a mother's day basket. The wrinkles are still getting ironed out, so please check back for more info. Or, visit for other great polymer clay artists and events.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today I've been working on a side project for my mom. She makes really nice purses, tote bags, and messenger bags. I am making tags for her made out of polymer clay. Something to say the purses were made by her. Basically, I have been playing around with different sizes and shapes. I'll post some pictures when they are all done, but for now, they are still in the designing stage.
Also, I am so excited! I am doing my first craft show next week! I have a lot to prepare for, but it will pull together nicely in the end.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This is the beginning of my blog, so please hang with me while I get all set up. I will be posting about my work with polymer clay, as well as other artists work. Please visit my Etsy site, I try to add new items on daily. Also, I am a proud member of Polymer Clay Artist Guild of Etsy. Please check it out, there are some really good polymer clay artists on there. As I said in my profile, I have been working with polymer clay for over 12 years now. I have just recently decided to sell my work, because my husband got laid off and we need the extra income. Things are starting off pretty slow, but I have strong motivation to hang in there. I realize it is hard work to have a business, especially in these hard economic times. Realizing this, I make polymer clay pieces that I can sell relatively cheap. Please stop back in soon to see what I have been working on.